woman set's lover on fire in a car

Widow hacked to death at her farm in Imo

But for the quick intervention of the vice president of youths in the community who dragged out the lover from the raging inferno that engulfed the car, he would have been burnt to death.

Sunday Sun reliably gathered from sources in the community that the victim, Darlington   Nkwocha, is a businessman who also operates executive taxi services. It was further gathered that both Uchechi and Darlington over time had been in a relationship which many people in the community knew about.

According to a source, Uchechi had reportedly suggested to Darlington that they should end their relationship since it was apparent that it was not likely going to end in marriage.

Some other sources in the community also disclosed that Uchechi’s friends had advised her that rather than quit the relationship, she should persuade Darlington to take her as his second wife, if he really loved her as she had claimed. But it was learnt that Darlington did not consent to take her as his second wife ostensibly to avoid incurring the wrath of his first wife.
